Nutrition and Menopause

“Women’s health, in particular menopause, is a topic close to my heart.”

Leah knows first-hand the impact hormones, nutrition, and exercise can have on health. She has been through surgical menopause, and whilst this enables her to practice with incredible insight, she firmly respects that every woman’s experience is unique to them. Her service is based on the compassion and empathy that women need, when they need it the most.

Nutrition a fundamentally important aspect of female health and wellness - at all ages and stages.

Leah’s knowledge and experience also encompasses Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome, and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport.

About menopause

Menopause, by definition, is when you haven’t had a period for 12 months.

Perimenopause refers to the months or years leading up to this, when the hormones oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone fluctuate as they decline.

This fluctuation and decline in hormones can result in a wide range of symptoms that varies greatly in extent and severity from woman to woman.

Declining levels of oestrogen have been associated with increased risk of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive decline. HRT has been shown in research to help mitigate this risk, for those who can and want to take it.

Symptoms of menopause

  • Weight gain and appetite dysregulation

  • Anxiety, depression, anger, rage, loss of confidence

  • Brain fog and forgetfulness

  • Joint and muscle aches and pains

  • Difficulty sleeping, or disturbed sleep

  • Headaches

  • Loss of libido, and energy

  • Dry skin, hair, nails

  • Hot flushes, and difficulty regulating temperature

Health risks of menopause

  • Osteoporosis / bone density decline

  • Cardiovascular disease (heart and lung health)

  • Neurological decline (eg. Alzheimer’s)

  • Loss of muscle and strength

  • Poor mental Health

The role of nutrition in menopause

You will read and hear many claims about superfoods and supplements for menopause.

The truth is that only HRT can effectively replace hormones that have declined, or become deficient.

The role of nutrition in menopause is to support healthy aging - helping you to keep your muscles and bones strong, your heart and brain healthy, inflammation down, and your immune system functioning as well as it can. It also helps to make you feel good - your relationship with food being an important factor.

Nutrition plays a crucial role in weight management (fat gain and fat loss), bone and muscle health, cardiovascular fitness, and in cognitive function too.

Health, fitness, and nutrition all directly effect mobility and quality of life - healthy aging. And these things are important for mental health and wellbeing, too.

So the role of nutrition in menopause is big - it matters - and it helps - the hard part is deciphering the fact from the fiction.

Leah Rose

BSc (Hons) MN.Nutr

Founder Leah Rose is a fully qualified and insured MNU nutrition consultant with a degree in business administration, a diploma in advanced nutrition science, and a strong track-record of client success.

Fiercely passionate about sharing knowledge and information, she offers a refreshing and evidence-based perspective that cuts through confusion, and directs you clearly towards your best health and full potential.

How it works

From one-off consultations to regular coaching, this is a nutrition service that is truly personalised to you. All services are available online and face to face. Online options give you the flexibility of working with Leah from anywhere you choose - whether at home or at work.

1. Pre-Consultation

To get booked in, or to find out more, submit the form below.

2. Consultation

A fully comprehensive consultation packed with information, advice and guidance.

3. Implementation

The support you need to put your plan into action.

For those who prefer an in-person service, Leah is conveniently based in Cirencester, Capital of the Cotswolds.

Book a consultation

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